Colombia, land of mighty mountains and deep gorges, but also of Caribbean beaches and forgotten places. The two mighty mountain ranges Cordillera Central and Cordillera Oriental cross Colombia from north to south. In between are extensive and fertile valleys. In the central mountainous region of Colombia, you will encounter traditions and authenticity instead of mass tourism. The north of the country attracts more tourists with its dream beaches and colonial cities.
The Colombians welcome you openly and cordially, as if they wanted to prove to you the opposite of your prejudices and fears. But the past of Colombia is marked by violence. Only a few years ago, hardly any tourists visited the country. If you meet locals today, they’ll tell you about their encounters with the guerrillas – and everyone seems to have a story about it. Some parts of the country are still inaccessible to domestic and foreign tourism. But you can travel safely in most parts of the country.
Since the country was not accessible for tourism for a long time or, better said, was not on the travel list of most people, you will find here some real and extraordinary Insiderspots. But Colombia also has a few must-sees. These places are a bit touristy, but so fascinating or engaging that you should pay them a visit.
Insiderspots in Colombia
Must-See Spots in Colombia
Travel itinerary
For the following itinerary through central Colombia you should plan about 4 weeks.
- Medellín
- Between the coffee plantations in Jardín
- Wax palms in the Valle de Cocora in Salento
- Parque National Natural de Puracé near Popayán
- Sculptures in San Augustin
- Tatacora desert
- Bogota
- Villa de Leyva
- San Gil and Barichara
- Lago de Tota
- Bogota

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